Admiral Sudsy Pool Service and Repair specializes in the resurfacing of commercial and residential swimming pools in South Florida. And while there are many options to choose from, plaster and aggregate are the primary choices for most commercial and residential jobs. Aggregate is plaster mixed with different shades of quartz or pebbles that give your swimming pool a unique, but uniform color.
Most commercial and residential pools in Palm Beach and Martin County are made from concrete or gunite. Gunite is basically concrete that is pneumatically sprayed over the reinforcing rebar that forms the swimming pool floor and sides. But concrete doesn’t make for a beautiful pool surface, it’s the plaster or aggregate that is professionally applied over the concrete or gunite that makes a pool beautiful and durable. And the color of your plaster or aggregate pool finish is determined by additives like quartz and pebbles.
When it’s time to resurface a concrete pool, the most economical choice is plaster and aggregate products specifically designed to work for swimming pool resurfacing such as Florida Stucco Gem Pool Finishes, Diamond Brite® or Pebble-Tec Pool Resurfacing from Pebble Technology International®. These tough, long-lasting pool resurfacing products come in a wide array of colors and styles and Admiral Sudsy Pool Service & Repair will work with you to decide which option will work best for your pool and your budget.
To properly apply your new pool resurfacing, our pool professionals will sandblast the old plaster out leaving the original concrete shell. Replacing pool tile and coping will be the next step in your pool remodel. Then a bond coat is applied to the concrete which is then professionally coated with the new aggregate or plaster colored to your taste.
Aggregate swimming pool surfaces are attractive, durable and hold up well in the extreme temperatures of South Florida. Popular brands of aggregate include Florida Stucco Gem Finishes, Diamond Brite® and Pebble Tec®.
Read More About Florida Stucco Gem Pool Finishes
Read More About Diamond Brite® Aggregate Pool Finish
Read More About Pebble-Tec Aggregate Pool Finish